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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is your Six sigma Certification Accreditated Internationally?

Training Accreditation is  a process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is certified. The accreditation process ensures that their training practices are acceptable, typically meaning that they are competent to train and certify individuals and organizations. Accredited Six Sigma training means the training which is accepted throughout the world.

As far as Six Sigma Certification is concerned, it is the hot cake certification for industry professionals to improve their skills of Business Process Improvement. Many people wanted to select best six sigma training institute in order to add value in their profile but Unfortunately due to lack of knowledge about accreditation they waste their time and money.

Many Mushroom organizations and individual trainer are given training on Six Sigma Approach. Here are some guidelines to select six sigma training institute and / or trainer.

  • First of all you should ask details about Training Accreditation. You should judge the international Coverage of Accreditation. you check it through internet browsing.
  • Secondly Industry Experience of trainer because if you have manufacturing background and your trainer have services background, he will never be able to clear your concept.
  • Trainer Background will give you and idea about trainer knowledge about subject matter.
  • Training Cost is also give you an idea about accreditation. normally Six sigma Accredited training will cost not less than Rs. 40,000/= per participant. if anybody charge less than this amount you certainly have to think once again.
  • Training Up-gradation Option should be on your checklist. it means that is there any option to upgrade your six sigma green belt up to black belt. Many training organization are offering only green belt course and if you wanted to upgrade yourself on black belt, you have to go through complete black belt training without any exemption.
A final note

Your primary consideration for training should be value. Most Trainers charge comparable fees, so cost shouldn’t be your most highly prioritized factor. Instead, establishing what you want from your Six Sigma Certification and what you need from a trainer to help you reach your goals should be the basis of your decision. Thinking through these issues will help you to select your Six Sigma Trainer.

About the IDEAS

IDEAS is IQF Authorized Six Sigma Training Company in Pakistan and presently offering following Courses
1.      Six Sigma Green Belt
2.      Six Sigma Upgraded Black Belt
3.      Six Sigma Black Belt

About the IQF

IQF is USA based Six sigma Certification Council which Accredit training company / universities all over the world. For more detail click www.iqfnet.org  or www.iqfasia.org

About the author

Ali Irfan is IQF Approved Six Sigma Trainer at IDEAS, www.pideas.com . E-mail him at ideas@pideas.com .

Leadership for Quality

This unique evening training is a 1st part of Continual Professional Development (CPD) Series designed for the preparation of Certified Quality Improvement Manager (CQIM) from QPSP Pakistan and Certified Manager for Quality / Organization Excellence (CMQ / OE) program. For Detail Contact IDEAS.

Value Added Internal Audit on IMS

 IDEAS Announces Value added Internal Auditing Course on 25th and 26th of April, 2011.

the course is especially designed for Quality Managers, Safety Managers, HSE Managers, CSR Managers, Internal HSE Auditors. For further Detail Contact IDEAS.

Six Sigma Training

A day Long introductory Six Sigma Session is designed to give understanding to participants about IQF Accredited Six Sigma training.

IDEAS Membership

EXTEND key learning benefits to all with IDEAS Corporate / Individual Membership
Take the first step toward increased effectiveness at every level of your organization. IDEAS Corporate Membership is a powerful and efficient way to support the need for continuous staff development and productivity improvement.
  • FREE IDEAS seminar pass for two designated Executive Members of your organization.
  • three individual membership will be provided to organizations personnel on corporate membership.
  • Free membership certificate will be provided by IDEAS Management Trainer & Consultant.
  • Members will be provided free access to our following informative materials placed on IDEAS Website: www.pideas.com
o    Articles, news and other stuffs.
o    Forum membership.
o    Sample Procedures and Policies.
o    Presentations regarding system developments and documentation.
o    Standards implementation guidelines.
o    New standards information.
o    Information regarding standards developments.
Membership Fee:
Corporate Fee :  Rs. 10,000/=
Individual Fee:  Rs. 3,000/=
Courses Discounts:

Course Quantity in a Year Discount to be offer
01 to 03 Courses 10% Discount Per Participant
03 to 06 Courses 15% Discount Per Participant
07 to Onward 20% Discount Per Participant
  • If member organization will buy 10 courses in a year then membership subscription will be exempted for next years.
  • If member refer two more participants, 10% additional discount will be given to him.
  • If member refer more than two participants, 10% additional discount will be given to him.
  • If member will buy 05 courses in two years then membership subscription will be exempted for next years.